
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 11:35 AM

Starrysky1101 2011. 6. 24. 02:29

I agree that people purchase clothing, material goods and even plastic surgery to look or feel more like the celebrities. And Gabler concerned about they are losing their own lifestyle and identity.

Fashion, architecture, and furnishing are three different ways in which our lives resemble movie. I agree with your answer and author saying. However, it limited only people watching many movies.

I did also agree with Gabler’s assessment, so our thinking is getting follow to movie, and it reflects our real life. People purchase item even though it is folderol for the reason that it was on movie. And they find location appeared in the movie.

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Authored by: Matthew Gentrup
Authored on: Jun 21, 2011 7:53 PM
Subject: Gabler Discussion

  1. According to Neal Gabler, in what ways has entertainment "infested" our lives? Why is he concerned about this?
    Entertainment has infested our lives by constantly bombarding us with ideas and notions that we should act & dress like characters found in movies.  We are able to purchase clothing, material goods and even plastic surgery to look or feel more like the celebrities.  Neal Gabler fears that society is losing its own personal identities by becoming puppets of sort when it comes to how society wants to be percieved.
  2. Gabler argues that our real lives have come to resemble movies. Identify three different ways in which our lives resemble movies, according to Gabler, and explain your examples.  Garber talks about our real lives resembling movies through several different ways.  One of the ways, the fashion industry, has become over done with the so called designer clothes.   These "costumes" are copied by every company from designer houses to The Gap to Old Navy.  So called  designer clothes can now be bought & worn by most customers.  Themed restaurants or attractions have sprung up also.   These places emulate a restaurant or building  giving the person a feeling of having visited as if they were in the movie.  One example would be the new Harry Potter Village at Universal Studios.  It allows the visitor to feel as if they stepped into the movie by touring Hogwarts or sipping on a butter beer.  Movies also dictate our furnishings in our home.  We purchase appilances or furniture because we want to have the same comforts we see in the films we watch.  We watch a movie that shows that a perfect room has a large screen tv with theater style seating which includes motion from the chairs or couches to we can actually feel what is happening in the movie.
  3. Do you agree with Gabler's assessment - that we now shape our lives to follow the patterns or ideals of films?  Support your answer with an explanation and examples.
    I agree with Gabler's assessment.  Our lives are being shaped by many of the movies or television shows that we watch.  Guys watch the movies and want to have the fast cars, the beautiful girlfriends and a great man cave.  Women want the pair of shoes, hairstyle of a celebrity, clothing, a wonderful apartment and the handsome boyfriend.  This then takes away from each of our individual likes & dislikes and takes away our dreams by thinking we want someone elses dreams found in a movie