Re: de Zengotita Essay
I do agree with you and author, Americans has become numb, because many sensational things are shown by mass media.
Most of things aren’t getting distinguishable, and I think you have normal point like my opinion.
All terms you describe are looks similar to mine except the finitude. I can’t catch something was similar to what we saw, and I could find why did not move to the next thing when we saw 9/11.
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Authored by: Matthew Gentrup
Authored on: Jun 21, 2011 5:58 PM
Subject: de Zengotita Essay
1. de Zengotita argues that for the average American (not those directly effected by September 11, 2001), it took only about six months to move on after 9/11. Do you agree? Support your answer.
I do agree with him. like he said in his essay, americans are numb to sights and sounds of tragedy that as soon as the pictures and videos stopped playing on the news we moved on and went to the next thing to care about.
2. de Zengotita writes "there is no important difference between fabrication and reality" (492). What does he mean by this? Do you agree? Why/why not?
de Zengotita means that that we have a hard time distinguishing from synthetic things and from real life things. I agree with him beacuse there are so many things in the world today that are copys of the real thing that people have stoped caring wether or not they have the real thing
3. de Zengotita uses four different factors--fabrication, flood, finitude, and fast--to explain how Americans so quickly moved on after September 11, 2001. Explain the role that each of these played in causing Americans to move on, based on what de Zengotita argues.
Fabrication-Our minds are so used to seeing all the made up things in the news and media today that we tell ourselves that we are ok and that helps us move on.
Flood-Our minds are bombarded with so many images of tregedy that we become to numb to the pictures and we become used to being moved by the images.
Finitude-This is the fact thats it all be done before. That we have seen something similar to this before and this is why we are not moved when we see something like the 9/11 attacks.
Fast-The images and videos of the attacks were flashd before our eyes and in great numbers the we got tired of seeing them and moved on to the next thing.