Zengotita Essay discussion
de Zengotita argues that
for the average American (not those directly effected by September 11, 2001),
it took only about six months to move on after 9/11. Do you agree?
Support your answer. 2.
de Zengotita writes
"there is no important difference between fabrication and reality"
(492). What does he mean by this? Do you agree? Why/why not? 3.
de Zengotita uses four
different factors--fabrication, flood, finitude, and fast--to explain how
Americans so quickly moved on after September 11, 2001. Explain the role
that each of these played in causing Americans to move on, based on what de
Zengotita argues.
If someone doesn’t related to 9/11
directly, I believe six month is also long. Most of people have their own life,
and they well know go back to daily-life as soon as possible. Mass media also
move on other topics, and it is just natural.
This means that we know difference
between fabrication and reality, but we do not think it is important to distinguish
them. The problem is we know, but we do not anything. I also concerned about
this. To solve this, we have to aware how much we are in danger.
Fabrication – So many images some real
or unreal surround us, and we cannot figure out what is real or unreal.
Flood- We are getting familiar with
terrible images shown by mass media, and desensitized us to news when it does
not simulate us anymore.
Finitude – As time goes by, we cannot
get much time to consider whether it is real or not, because there are so many
come up new things.
Fast – As everything is going fast except
our brain, we are having dull senses about it.