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- 2014.01.28 환타스틱 원터치!!
- 2014.01.27 판타스틱 원터치
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- 2011.06.24 Essay 연습 know-how
- 2011.06.24 Re: de Zengotita Essay
- 2011.06.24 Zengotita Essay discussion
- 2011.06.24 Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 11:35 AM
- 2011.06.24 Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 12:27 PM
- 2011.06.24 Gabler Essay Discussion :
- 2011.06.23 말 끝에 though
꾸준한 에세이연습•과외 활동, 아이비리그 첫걸음
[포커스신문사 | 이동호기자 2009-12-21 12:29:17]
■ YBM 데미덱 어학원 전세련 SAT교수부장
미 국 아이비리그 대학 진학을 꿈꾸는 학생들은 어떻게 영어 에세이를 준비해야 할까. 시험 점수에는 자신있는 국내 특목고 학생들도 대학 진학용 에세이 작성은 어려워하는 경우가 많다. YBM 데미덱 어학원의 전세련 SAT 교수부장(사진)에게 성공적인 에세이 작성법을 들어봤다.
자신을 잘드러낼수 있는 개인적 소재 중요
문법 실수 줄이고 설득력있는 예시 들어야
일관성있는 과외활동 통해 포트폴리오 준비
-아이비리그 대학 입학 사정관에게 어필하는 에세이의 조건은 무엇인지.
▶ 대학 진학용 에세이를 쓸 때 한국 학생들이 쉽게 범하는 실수 중 하나가 자기 자신을 진솔하게 보여주지 못한다는 것이다. 에세이는 학생이 자신의 언어로 스스로를 어필할 수 있는 공간이므로 최대한 개인을 잘 나타낼 수 있는 개인적 내용을 쓰는 것이 가장 효과적이다. 그래야 자신을 알릴 수 있고 아울러 입학사정관들에게 강한 인상도 남길 수 있다. 그렇다고 자신의 뛰어난 점만을 모아서 리스트를 나열하라는 것이 아니라, 이 학생은 어떠한 사람인가, 어떠한 역사를 가진 사람인가, 어떠한 가치를 중요히 생각하는가 라는 질문에 읽는 이로 하여금 선명한 그림이 그려지도록 하는 것이 중요하다. 그러기 위해서 학생 자신만의 고유하고 개인적인 소재들 속에서 이야기를 풀어나가는 것이 좋다.
-좋은 영어 에세이를 쓰기 위해선 어떤 준비를 해야 하나.
▶ 뛰어난 글을 쓰려면 뛰어난 글, 다양한 글을 많이 읽고 많이 써봐야 하는 것이 정석이다. 그러나 SAT와 같은 시험의 에세이 섹션을 준비할 때는 많은 학생들이 제한된 기간 안에 짧은 시간밖에 준비할 여유가 없는 경우가 많다. 따라서 효과적이고 체계적인 준비가 필요하다.
가장 중요한 것을 3가지 들어보면, 첫째, 좋은 에세이는 설득력 있는 적절한 예가 뒷받침돼야 한다. 문학 명작ㆍ중요한 역사적 사건ㆍ최근 이슈 등을 위주로 하여 20∼30개의 다양한 예들을 미리 정리해두는 것이 큰 도움이 된다. 30개 정도의 예만 확실히 자기 것으로 만든다면 어떠한 주제가 나오더라도 당황하지 않고 에세이를 쓸 수 있다.
둘째, 문법 실수를 줄여야 한다. 긴장된 상태에서 제한된 시간 안에 에세이를 쓰다 보면 사소하지만 기본적인 문법 실수가 많아진다. 화려한 문체를 사용하지 않더라도 문법 실수만 줄일 수 있다면 점수는 좋아질 것이다.
마지막으로, 에세이를 읽다 보면, 같은 구조ㆍ형식의 문장ㆍ어휘를 계속 반복하는 경향이 있다. 평소 글을 읽을 때 좋은 문장 구조나 표현이 눈에 띈다면 메모해 본인의 글이 획일화되지 않도록 꾸준히 연습해 나가야 한다.
-아이비리그 대학에서 원하는 글로벌 인재의 조건은 무엇인지.
▶ 준비를 잘해야 한다(Be well prepared)! 성적만으로 글로벌 리더가 결정되지 않는다. 진정한 글로벌 리더가 되려면 어릴 때부터 차근차근 준비해 자기가 하고자 하는 일에 대한 열정을 키워나가야 한다. 적어도 7~8학년부터는 학생 본인의 방향을 잡고 일관성 있는 과외활동을 쌓아나가는 것이 중요하다.
대학에서 학생의 포트폴리오를 볼 때 가장 중요하게 여기는 부분이 일관성 있는 활동이다. 이러한 준비를 잘하려면 학생 혼자 머릿속으로 생각만 하는 것보다는 부모님과 계속 얘기를 해보고 주변 사람 또는 주위환경을 잘 활용하는 것이 실천의 첫걸음이 될 수 있다.
-국내 학습자들이 영어 커뮤니케이션 능력을 향상시킬 수 있는 구체적인 방법이 있다면.
▶ 영어가 모국어가 아닌 학생들은 처음부터 복잡한 문장을 머릿속에서 번역해 말하려다 말문이 막히는 경우가 많다. 현지 원어민들의 일상대화를 보면 그다지 복잡한 구조나 문장이 아니다. 대부분 기본형의 간단한 문장들이거나 그 변형이므로 국내 학습자들도 가장 기본적인 문장들부터 반복 연습을 통해 자신의 것으로 만들고, 조금씩 다양한 표현들을 더해나가는 것이 효과적이다. 영어를 유창하게 말하기 위해서는 배우는 과정에서 자신감을 가지고 적극적인 태도를 취해야 하겠다.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Re: de Zengotita Essay (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Zengotita Essay discussion (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 11:35 AM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 12:27 PM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Gabler Essay Discussion : (0) | 2011.06.24 |
I do agree with you and author, Americans has become numb, because many sensational things are shown by mass media.
Most of things aren’t getting distinguishable, and I think you have normal point like my opinion.
All terms you describe are looks similar to mine except the finitude. I can’t catch something was similar to what we saw, and I could find why did not move to the next thing when we saw 9/11.
<<< Replied to message below >>>
Authored by: Matthew Gentrup
Authored on: Jun 21, 2011 5:58 PM
Subject: de Zengotita Essay
1. de Zengotita argues that for the average American (not those directly effected by September 11, 2001), it took only about six months to move on after 9/11. Do you agree? Support your answer.
I do agree with him. like he said in his essay, americans are numb to sights and sounds of tragedy that as soon as the pictures and videos stopped playing on the news we moved on and went to the next thing to care about.
2. de Zengotita writes "there is no important difference between fabrication and reality" (492). What does he mean by this? Do you agree? Why/why not?
de Zengotita means that that we have a hard time distinguishing from synthetic things and from real life things. I agree with him beacuse there are so many things in the world today that are copys of the real thing that people have stoped caring wether or not they have the real thing
3. de Zengotita uses four different factors--fabrication, flood, finitude, and fast--to explain how Americans so quickly moved on after September 11, 2001. Explain the role that each of these played in causing Americans to move on, based on what de Zengotita argues.
Fabrication-Our minds are so used to seeing all the made up things in the news and media today that we tell ourselves that we are ok and that helps us move on.
Flood-Our minds are bombarded with so many images of tregedy that we become to numb to the pictures and we become used to being moved by the images.
Finitude-This is the fact thats it all be done before. That we have seen something similar to this before and this is why we are not moved when we see something like the 9/11 attacks.
Fast-The images and videos of the attacks were flashd before our eyes and in great numbers the we got tired of seeing them and moved on to the next thing.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Essay 연습 know-how (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Zengotita Essay discussion (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 11:35 AM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 12:27 PM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Gabler Essay Discussion : (0) | 2011.06.24 |
de Zengotita argues that
for the average American (not those directly effected by September 11, 2001),
it took only about six months to move on after 9/11. Do you agree?
Support your answer. 2.
de Zengotita writes
"there is no important difference between fabrication and reality"
(492). What does he mean by this? Do you agree? Why/why not? 3.
de Zengotita uses four
different factors--fabrication, flood, finitude, and fast--to explain how
Americans so quickly moved on after September 11, 2001. Explain the role
that each of these played in causing Americans to move on, based on what de
Zengotita argues.
If someone doesn’t related to 9/11
directly, I believe six month is also long. Most of people have their own life,
and they well know go back to daily-life as soon as possible. Mass media also
move on other topics, and it is just natural.
This means that we know difference
between fabrication and reality, but we do not think it is important to distinguish
them. The problem is we know, but we do not anything. I also concerned about
this. To solve this, we have to aware how much we are in danger.
Fabrication – So many images some real
or unreal surround us, and we cannot figure out what is real or unreal.
Flood- We are getting familiar with
terrible images shown by mass media, and desensitized us to news when it does
not simulate us anymore.
Finitude – As time goes by, we cannot
get much time to consider whether it is real or not, because there are so many
come up new things.
Fast – As everything is going fast except
our brain, we are having dull senses about it.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Essay 연습 know-how (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: de Zengotita Essay (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 11:35 AM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 12:27 PM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Gabler Essay Discussion : (0) | 2011.06.24 |
I agree that people purchase clothing, material goods and even plastic surgery to look or feel more like the celebrities. And Gabler concerned about they are losing their own lifestyle and identity.
Fashion, architecture, and furnishing are three different ways in which our lives resemble movie. I agree with your answer and author saying. However, it limited only people watching many movies.
I did also agree with Gabler’s assessment, so our thinking is getting follow to movie, and it reflects our real life. People purchase item even though it is folderol for the reason that it was on movie. And they find location appeared in the movie.
<<< Replied to message below >>>
Authored by: Matthew Gentrup
Authored on: Jun 21, 2011 7:53 PM
Subject: Gabler Discussion
- According to Neal Gabler, in what ways has entertainment "infested" our lives? Why is he concerned about this?
Entertainment has infested our lives by constantly bombarding us with ideas and notions that we should act & dress like characters found in movies. We are able to purchase clothing, material goods and even plastic surgery to look or feel more like the celebrities. Neal Gabler fears that society is losing its own personal identities by becoming puppets of sort when it comes to how society wants to be percieved. - Gabler argues that our real lives have come to resemble movies. Identify three different ways in which our lives resemble movies, according to Gabler, and explain your examples. Garber talks about our real lives resembling movies through several different ways. One of the ways, the fashion industry, has become over done with the so called designer clothes. These "costumes" are copied by every company from designer houses to The Gap to Old Navy. So called designer clothes can now be bought & worn by most customers. Themed restaurants or attractions have sprung up also. These places emulate a restaurant or building giving the person a feeling of having visited as if they were in the movie. One example would be the new Harry Potter Village at Universal Studios. It allows the visitor to feel as if they stepped into the movie by touring Hogwarts or sipping on a butter beer. Movies also dictate our furnishings in our home. We purchase appilances or furniture because we want to have the same comforts we see in the films we watch. We watch a movie that shows that a perfect room has a large screen tv with theater style seating which includes motion from the chairs or couches to we can actually feel what is happening in the movie.
- Do you agree with Gabler's assessment - that we now shape our lives
to follow the patterns or ideals of films? Support your answer with an
explanation and examples.
I agree with Gabler's assessment. Our lives are being shaped by many of the movies or television shows that we watch. Guys watch the movies and want to have the fast cars, the beautiful girlfriends and a great man cave. Women want the pair of shoes, hairstyle of a celebrity, clothing, a wonderful apartment and the handsome boyfriend. This then takes away from each of our individual likes & dislikes and takes away our dreams by thinking we want someone elses dreams found in a movie
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Re: de Zengotita Essay (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Zengotita Essay discussion (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 12:27 PM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Gabler Essay Discussion : (0) | 2011.06.24 |
말 끝에 though (0) | 2011.06.23 |
I agree with you, and I believe you catch what author say and summary it well.
I’ve found your interesting view argument is similar to the chicken and egg debate. And I believe you approach example with freshness.
I agreed with Gabler assessment in my answer, but you are not. I can find your different view in author assessment, and I can agree with you, because I didn’t think of it. Author only talk about happy ending movie, but you say a lots of movie also has traumatizing ending. Yes, it is. However, author say not only talk about ending of movie. Life-style has changed like movie, so we need to wake up from this fantasy. That’s what I think main point in this essay.
<<< Replied to message below >>>
Authored by: Sarah Whalen
Authored on: Jun 21, 2011 10:19 PM
Subject: Gabler Discussion
Gabler has blamed entertainment for affecting our lives in several ways. He starts by addressing the hype media gives to true life melodramas. This effects how we dress, act and even what we use in our daily lives. We start to become whoever is portrayed in our favorite movies and forget to be ourselves even when we are “off stage”. Gabler uncovers our desperate attempts to play the part. Although they become daily goals, he worries we will lose our true purpose in life, perpetual happiness.
The argument that we now shape our lives to movies is similar to the chicken and egg debate. Gabler stands firm on the theory of modern life resembling movies. One way I have seen this proven true is the idea that the love of your life is exactly like Prince Charming as long as you behave like Cinderella. As a result women nitpick at man’s imperfections. Movies also encourage men to pursue women who say no whether it is to over come a challenge satisfying their personal desires. Then there is the idea that every heroic man is muscular and strong internally and externally.
I strongly disagree with Gabler. Examples supporting his case do not proof that entertainment isn’t still depicting life rather than vice versa. Who’s to say our lives have just raised standards for movies and such things? He is generalizing all amusements as having a happy ending, where in my opinion, some of the best fictions have traumatizing endings. The entertainment Gabler suggests is for the simple mind. Yes America has become lazy in pursuing brainteasers; plenty still crave new tantalizing pleasures. The movie Requiem for a Dream shows the sorrows of a mundane lifestyle turned to drug addiction. It tortures the heart while exciting the subconscious mind. I have read The Scarlet Letter, Wuthering Heights, Of Mice and Men, and several other classic books for the joy of it. The type of person Gabler describes is a fraction of America, our black sheep who are lazy and just plain stupid.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Re: de Zengotita Essay (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Zengotita Essay discussion (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 11:35 AM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Gabler Essay Discussion : (0) | 2011.06.24 |
말 끝에 though (0) | 2011.06.23 |
Author says our lives has been infested, because movie going and television watching has been impregnating the American consciousness with the conventions and esthetics of entertainment. So, until we have become performers we performing our own live out of the shards of movies.
Our lives resemble movies in several things which are clothes, furnishing, accessories and architecture. We wear clothes what movie star wore, and purchasing furniture which were on movie, and build architecture which resemble building which was in movie.
My answer sometimes is no, but yes. Nowadays, people watching many movies yearn life-style like movie; however, it is nearly impossible in reality. People know this well, so they just imitate it, and they are just satisfied.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Re: de Zengotita Essay (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Zengotita Essay discussion (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 11:35 AM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 12:27 PM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
말 끝에 though (0) | 2011.06.23 |
텔레비전을 보거나 대화를 하다보면 미국인들이 말끝에 though를 아주 많이 사용하는 것을 알 수 있다. 평서문의 끝에 사용할 때는 대개 “그러나, 그래도”의 뜻이다.
Ellen Rosetti and Mark Stevens have been married for almost a year now. Their marriage almost didn’t happen, though. They met on a blind date.
(엘렌 로제티와 마크 스티븐스는 결혼한지 거의 1년이 됐다. 하지만 친구 소개로 만나지 않았다면 이들은 거의 결혼하지 못할 뻔 했다.)
Mark: So, Jim, how does it feel to be an old married man? Been about six months, hasn’t it? (자. 짐, 결혼한지 제법됐는데 기분이 어때. 6개월은 됐지, 아마)
Jim: Yep. It feels great. It’s a lot different, though. (음, 아주 좋아. (생활이)확바뀌긴했지만.)
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Re: de Zengotita Essay (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Zengotita Essay discussion (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 11:35 AM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Re: Gabler Discussion Yong-Jun Cho Jun 23, 2011 12:27 PM (0) | 2011.06.24 |
Gabler Essay Discussion : (0) | 2011.06.24 |